Become a Member or Subscriber of SNAICC
If your organisation supports
the aims and objectives of SNAICC, you can apply for SNAICC membership
under one of the following categories. Alternatively, you can join
SNAICC as an Affiliate member or become
a Subscriber. The Full Member categories
listed below follow the changes made to the SNAICC Constitution
at the Annual General Meeting in Darwin in November 2005.
Inquiries about SNAICC
membership should be directed to the SNAICC Executive Officer, Julian
Pocock. Subscription inquiries can be directed to SNAICC's Admin
& Finance Assistant, Bethalia Tabuai. Please Contact
SNAICC for more information.
Full Member organisations
These may include:
- State and Territory members –
any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community based and
controlled organisation which operates as the state or territory
wide peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child
and family welfare services in their particular state or territory;
or as a recognised lead agency for child and family welfare service
provision in their particular state or territory.
- Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child care
services – any Commonwealth funded local Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander services involved in the provision
of childcare and the day-to-day care, development and education
of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children, or the provision
of support, training, assistance or resources to such services;
- Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early learning
and pre-school services – any State or Territory
funded Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community based
and controlled services involved in the provision of pre-school
education, early learning or kindergarten programs for Aboriginal
or Torres Strait Islander children, or the provision of support,
training, assistance or resources to such services;
- Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child and
family welfare services – any local Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander community based and controlled services
a main purpose of which is to provide child and family welfare
services for their local community such as alternative care services,
support for children leaving care, recruitment and training of
foster carers, placement and support for children in need of out-of-home
care, family crisis and support, advocacy in relation to child
welfare, family reunification and link-up, parenting information
and programs, early intervention, family counselling and family
Any other Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander community based service or organisation may
become an affiliate member.
Any other organisation
or individual can subscribe to SNAICC and receive SNAICC’s
newsletter. See below for details.
Membership Entitlements
Full and associate members
automatically receive:
- SNAICC’s newsletter, SNAICC News
- SNAICC publications and resources
- Posters and promotional material for National Aboriginal &
Islander Children’s Day
- Notices of the Annual General Meeting and other SNAICC activities.
members may nominate for the SNAICC National Executive, which
governs the organisation and is elected annually. (Full members
must have paid their membership fee to be eligible to vote or stand
for election).
members may attend the AGM and other general meetings but
have no voting rights and cannot stand for election to the SNAICC
National Executive.
SNAICC’s quarterly newsletter and other resources sent directly
to you
Any other organisations,
government departments, individuals or services that wish to receive
the SNAICC newsletter and information about Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children’s issues can subscribe to SNAICC.
The subscription fee for the newsletter is voluntary.
Subscribers receive SNAICC’s
quarterly newsletter, SNAICC News, the annual National
Aboriginal & Islander Children’s Day posters and promotional
material, and other occasional information and resources on children’s
issues and SNAICC’s activities.
New Full Membership Applications
The first time an organisation
applies for full membership, it is required to send a copy of its
constitution to SNAICC so its membership entitlement can be confirmed.
Applications must be endorsed at each year’s AGM. Rejected
applications will be refunded.
Application Forms
Application forms are
available from the SNAICC office, or can be downloaded from the
link below. Complete it and post/fax it to SNAICC.
Form (pdf)
![Children](https://stoic-sinoussi-0eb170.netlify.app/_imgs/p_04.jpg) |